Headpress Books Established 1991

Contact Us

Submitting material to Headpress

Take a look around the website for some idea of the material we publish. If you have a nonfiction book proposal that you think may be suited to Headpress, check our guidelines below and get in touch via our SUBMISSIONS email address only:


What to send

Submit a clear, brief outline of your propsal and short text samples in the body of the email. Do not send attachments at this stage. For security reasons we do not open them.

About you

Include a short bio and links to your social media and/or blogs, other work, if available. Why does the world need your book?

Waiting time

Allow up to 12 weeks for a reply. Due to the high volume of proposals we receive and our limited resources, if you do not hear back within that period the book probably isn't for us.


Unfortunately we are not able to provide critical feedback or advice in the event your book isn’t for us.


Headpress is publishing nonfiction. We are not looking for fiction, prose, poetry or graphic novels. Note: we do not permit the use of generative AI to create any content. If your work contains such content, indicate this.


customers outside the uk & usa

Due to changes in international shipping we are presently not always able to offer a flat shipping rate to all countries outside the UK or USA.

If you are ordering from a country other than the UK or USA, please contact us before placing your order for a shipping price. This is to ensure you are charged the most sensible price for delivery, wherever you are in the world.

Click on the link below and send us:

(1) Info and quantity for the item/s you are after;
(2) Delivery details, i.e. Country, State and Postcode

Alternatively, email us with any questions here