Headpress Books Established 1991

Banner for the book Aesthetic Deviations

Aesthetic Deviations Anniversary At Small Talk

Small Press at Small Talk, Columbus OH

Local author spotlight, Vincent Albarano, celebrating one year of Aesthetic Deviations: A Critical View of American Shot-on-Video Horror, 1984-1994.

About the Book

Long considered the dead-end of genre cinema, Shot-On-Video (SOV) horror finally gets its due as a serious filmmaking practice.

Using classic fanzines, promotional materials, and especially the theories of several important film scholars, Vincent Albarano brings SOV horror into critical focus for the first time in print. Prior to this moment, Video Violence, Twisted Issues, Alien Beasts, and more have never been mentioned in the same breath as André Bazin and Siegfried Kracauer, despite their common ground.

AESTHETIC DEVIATIONS delves deep into several of the most famous SOV horror titles to give credit for their unique and singular contributions to independent genre cinema. Informed equally by a fan’s passion and the studied approaches of scholarly analysis, Albarano offers the first-ever detailed examination of the SOV horror cycle, proving that this strain of amateur filmmaking is deserving of proper appraisal. Sure to enlighten and provoke thought among fans and converts to the unique charms of SOV cinema, as well as inspire newcomers, Albarano’s book proves an invaluable resource for a neglected area of cinematic inquiry.

Event Info

Vincent will be celebrating the one-year anniversary of his book, plus signing and selling copies of the book and his zines at this free event. 

Where: Small Talk
3337 N High St
Columbus OH 43202

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Aug 17 2024


Columbus OH
11:00 am - 2:00 pm

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Small Talk