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Letting Go The Leash Street Date

Street date for Stephen Ellis Hamilton’s new book, LETTING GO THE LEASH.

A rescue dog leads a struggling financial advisor to the wealth he is looking for.

Steve, a burnt out banker, has spent a lifetime advising others. He envisages his retirement as “the light at the end of the tunnel of responsibility”. But instead of Mai Tais on the beach, motorcycling through Europe, and hiking the Himalayas, he encounters a tornado, a worldwide pandemic and one felonious attempt to seal the deal on a retirement windfall.

Saddled with Zeke — a kill-shelter reject; a hundred-pound dog with a cold wet nose and a death-stare — and on the verge of losing everything, Steve must reach back to his hardscrabble country roots and the lessons of his kin to try to pick himself up and navigate his way out of looming disaster.

Thoughtful, heartbreaking and humorous, LETTING GO THE LEASH is a true story rich in grit and beauty. In quitting his career in the city Steve follows his dog and instincts to the Tennessee mountains.


Oct 06 2022


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