Headpress Books Established 1991


Category: Other

Pop & Unpop Culture. The best in independent publishing.

Main Image The Daemons

Doctor Who: The Dæmons

The Dæmons is a Doctor Who adventure in which devils come to life. Discussing the Nigel Kneale influence and its place in weird children’s TV of the 1970s.

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Doctor Who Spearhead from Space article logo

Doctor Who: Spearhead from Space

Showroom dummies are taking over the world! Once described as ‘highly coloured science fiction for older children’, David Kerekes takes a look at the nightmare that is Doctor Who, beginning with one of the most memorable shows.

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News and Book Excerpts

The Silent Walk

Eight months after the Grenfell high-rise tragedy in London, H. E. Sawyer joins the monthly walk that is part memorial, part silent protest.

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Power Snatched artwork by L Jamal Walton

Power Snatched artwork by L Jamal Walton


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