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Sex Murder Art

Possibly the ultimate testament to the obsession, paranoia and politics of underground filmmaking



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The definitive book on the controversial German film director, Jörg Buttgereit, whose films Nekromantik, Nekromantik 2, Der Todesking and Schramm have earned him a reputation as one of the most original, innovative and controversial of all modern filmmakers — banned the world over. Balancing horror and art-house, Buttgereit’s work deals explicitly with sex and death and features graphic images of necrophilia, murder and suicide. Detailed analysis of all the films plus promotional features, TV shows as well as extensive personal interviews with Buttgereit and his principal actors go to make Sex Murder Art a compelling and illuminating study.

Includes critique of all of Buttgereit’s films, as well as

  • Censorship problems
  • Behind the scenes of Schramm
  • How Buttgereit incurred the wrath of Warner Bros
  • Working with artist H.R Giger on Killer Condom
  • Troubling fan letters, and more!
  • Excellent! A superb piece of reportage about a genuinely interesting filmmaker — SFX

Jörg Buttgereit is the censor’s worst nightmare. You need to read Sex Murder Art to see what all the fuss is about — Mensworld

An engaging compelling read! Sex Murder Art may stand as Buttgereit’s best defence at the endless charges that he peddles pornography and revels in violence — Samhain

David Kerekes

DAVID KEREKES co-founded Headpress and its imprint Oil On Water Press. He is author of Mezzogiorno (2012) and Sex Murder Art: The Films of Jörg Buttgereit (1994), co-author of Killing for Culture: An Illustrated History of Death Film from Mondo to Snuff (1994 & 2012) and See No Evil: Banned Films and Video Controversy (2001) and has written extensively on popular culture.

Sex Murder Art

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