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The Law of Chaos

The Multiverse of Michael Moorcock

Michael Moorcock is one of the most popular and influential fantasy writers of our time .


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Iain Sinclair
[The Law of Chaos], the latest Moorcockian meteorite to flash across the heavens, is a timely reminder of the scope, depth, heart and magnificence of an author with numerous readers, bright-eyed fans, global correspondents, but far less mainstream acknowledgement than he deserves. The glory of the work, in its astonishing reach and range, is that it can be freshly excavated by every rising generation.
Stephen Theaker
A well-written overview of Michael Moorcock’s complete works. This is an ideal book for anyone looking to get a quick critical grasp on Moorcock ... very illuminating.
Michael Moorcock
Jeff Gardiner’s excellent book has offered me many fresh insights into my own work. I can genuinely celebrate the publication of this book.
Iain Sinclair
[The Law of Chaos], the latest Moorcockian meteorite to flash across the heavens, is a timely reminder of the scope, depth, heart and magnificence of an author with numerous readers, bright-eyed fans, global correspondents, but far less mainstream acknowledgement than he deserves. The glory of the work, in its astonishing reach and range, is that it can be freshly excavated by every rising generation.
Stephen Theaker
A well-written overview of Michael Moorcock’s complete works. This is an ideal book for anyone looking to get a quick critical grasp on Moorcock ... very illuminating.
Michael Moorcock
Jeff Gardiner’s excellent book has offered me many fresh insights into my own work. I can genuinely celebrate the publication of this book.
Iain Sinclair
[The Law of Chaos], the latest Moorcockian meteorite to flash across the heavens, is a timely reminder of the scope, depth, heart and magnificence of an author with numerous readers, bright-eyed fans, global correspondents, but far less mainstream acknowledgement than he deserves. The glory of the work, in its astonishing reach and range, is that it can be freshly excavated by every rising generation.

From Jerry Cornelius and the Eternal Champion fantasies to Pyat and more recent novels, The Law of Chaos is an entertaining and accessible reader’s guide that explores the life and achievements of Michael Moorcock, one of modern literature’s most influential figures. All Moorcock’s works are examined and discussed in detail from early fantasies to his later philosophical novels.

With an introduction and other material by Moorcock himself, The Law of Chaos travels the moonbeam roads through the enigmatic multiverse of a celebrated literary icon.

  • The only book engaging with the complex, popular and influential writing of Michael Moorcock.
  • Not only did he practically invent modern British fantasy and reshape science fiction as an editor, but he is also an exponent of mainstream literature.
  • This book assesses the importance of one of the most influential, enigmatic and iconic writers.
  • Musically, Moorcock has worked closely with Hawkwind and Lemmy.

Read an extract

The Multiverse of Michael Moorcock

Cover of The Law of Chaos

Jeff Gardiner

978-1-909394-19-3 (pbk)
978-1-909394-20-9 (ebk)

3 August 2015

Memoir/Pop Culture

Size & Pages
127mm x 203mm / 174

8 pages of b&w book covers and album sleeves (pbk) / 8 colour plates (hbk)