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Aesthetic Deviations New York Launch Memories

August 19, 2023. Forbidden Planet New York was host to a signing event on the publication of Aesthetic Deviations. Author Vincent Albarano was there.
Vincent A. Albarano at the FPNY book signing. Photos: Greg Clarke.
Vincent A. Albarano at the FPNY book signing. Photos: Greg Clarke.

SATURDAY AUGUST 19th, 2023, I found myself in New York City for a book signing event for the release of Aesthetic Deviations. Prior to the book’s publication, Matt Desiderio offered to host at the incredible Forbidden Planet shop (who have stocked my zines in the past and held other Headpress signing events) and it seemed like a perfect fit. As word spread and the lovely flyer for the event circulated, it felt like a second wind of excitement following the book’s initial release.

The turnout exceeded my expectations, and I had a wonderful time chatting about shot-on-video (SOV) horror and meeting people I’d previously only spoken with online (including fellow Headpress author Nick Cato). Not only was this encouraging for me as a first-time author, but also as a fan of the films first and foremost. Having the chance to talk with other enthusiasts made the experience even more rewarding. Especially satisfying were the conversations with shoppers who had no initial clue the signing was going on, or even what SOV horror was, but still stayed to talk and take a chance on the book.

Vincent A. Albarano at the FPNY book signing. All photos: Greg Clarke.

Countless thanks go out to Matt Desiderio and everyone at Forbidden Planet for arranging and hosting the event, and especially everybody who came out to get a copy of the book or have theirs signed. Special thanks to Greg Clarke for the photos and Emmalee Hagarman for support during the event (and throughout the entire writing and editing process of the book).

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