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I Am The Dark Tourist

Travels to the Darkest Sites on Earth

Why would anyone want to visit sites touched by death in the first place?

#2 Best Seller in Memoir + Travel

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I Am The Dark Tourist: Travels To The Darkest Sites On Earth click here
I Am The Dark Tourist: Messenger Of Remembrance click here


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Peace Memorial Hall Hiroshima Peace Park
Photo: H.E. Sawyer

Travel to the darkest sites on Earth.

Dark Tourism is the practice of visiting sites associated with death. While participation increases, dark tourism remains a mystery, regarded as the tourist industry’s dirty little secret. This book challenges the misconceptions of a ghoulish practice through the eyes of a self-confessed dark tourist, who has spent forty years visiting the world’s dark sites.

From the cobbled streets of Whitechapel on a Jack The Ripper walking tour to the snowy suicide forest of Aokigahara, Japan, H. E. Sawyer ticks off the darkest sites on Earth in his book I Am The Dark Tourist. He examines how some sites seek promotion beyond their physical boundaries, employing education to disassociate from the dark tag, whilst others wish to remain hidden from our curiosity.

In the course of his travels he wrestles with the ultimate question regarding dark tourism; why would anyone want to visit sites touched by death in the first place?

Click the link for the follow-up volume:

Neil MartinAuthor of Psychology
Terrifically interesting, sober, honest and troubling.
Ally WilkesHorrified
The question asked repeatedly throughout the book is: who benefits? And more importantly, who should benefit? ... Sawyer excels at finding the poignant, human note in the horrors underlying the sites he visits, and there isn’t a single chapter where this deeper engagement isn’t apparent.
Andy PaciorekFolk Horror Revival
In reading this book, it may cause others, like it did me, to question themselves as to how they really feel about such matters as Dark Tourism and if they too perhaps share a saturnine, even morbid interests, then why this may be.
Microcosm Publishing
I Am The Dark Tourist is a great insider's guide to explore the world of dark tourism vicariously through an experienced aficionado.
Dr James KennellPrincipal Lecturer in Tourism, Events and Hospitality at the University of Greenwich & Executive Director of the London Office of the International Tourism Studies Association
Absolutely loved this book. An antidote to so much recent, sensationalist #darktourism media. A very human look at ethical issues in dark tourism, and quite touching with it.
Fortean Times
I Am the Dark Tourist featured as the cover story for the “Protect and Survive” issue of Fortean Times (May 2019)
The most in-depth, most thoroughly researched, most thoughtful and thought-provoking and at the same time elegantly written books on dark tourism yet. Required reading!
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Travels to the Darkest Sites on Earth

Cover of I Am the Dark Tourist

H. E. Sawyer

978-1-909394-58-2 (pbk)
978-1-909394-59-9 (ebk)

2 August 2018 (US) / 2 October 2018 (UK)


Size & Pages
152mm x 229mm / 270

b&w photos throughout + 8 colour plates

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H.E. Sawyer

H E SAWYER spent over 40 years travelling to dark sites in blissful ignorance before discovering this behaviour had been defined by academics and sensationalised by the mainstream media.

I Am The Dark Tourist