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Lovers Buggers & Thieves

[su_quote cite=”Michael Lucas, from his Introduction”]This book is concerned with an engaging cast of characters who poured into their music an excess of human qualities, with an emphasis on exhilaration, savagery, dementia, desperation, eccentricity, befuddlement and just plain chowderheadedness. [/su_quote]



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Lost legends and supergroups — the best, worst and oddest music to emerge from the explosive rock’n’roll breeding ground of the 1960s through to the 1980s. Lovers Buggers & Thieves offers fresh perspectives on the likes of Led Zeppelin, The Beatles (a comprehensive guide to Fab Four bootlegs and outfakes), interviews with Australian garage punk and psych legends of the sixties, the musical legacy of Charles Manson, Skip Spence, Monks, The Sonics, Bonzo Dog Band, Screaming Lord Sutch, and other music and musicians dragged back from the edge!

Foreword by Eddie Shaw bass player for the legendary influential Monks. Introduction by Michael Lucas, bass player for The Phantom Surfers.

  • THE SONICS Supersomic psychogarage punk’s not dead by Phil Tonge / Biography of the Seattle rockers and punk’s godfathers
  • FANCIFUL FLIGHTS OF MIND Australian Psychedelia of the Sixties by Gerard Alexander / History and interviews on the psych scene
  • THE KEYS OF THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW It’s Monk time! by Martin Jones / Interview with Monks by David Kerekes / The highly influential Germany based US garage outfit
  • SATAN YAWNS IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN Led Zeppelin vs Iron Butterfly by Johnny Strike / Fan-baiting punch-up
  • MY SHADOWS ARE RUNNING FAST Charles Manson and the LIE album by Simon Collins / Beyond the Manson myth
  • FORGOTTEN FREAKS The Wild by Sleazegrinder / Eighties Mexican metal band
  • MESSIAHS OF VOLTAGE How The Stooges died for you by Rik Rawling / The greatest rock ‘n’ roll band on the planet
  • EDGAR BROUGHTON Voyage Around An Underground Band by Andy Darlington / The UK’s favourite seventies festival socio-rockers
  • RARER THAN RARE Beatles Beatlegs Outfakes by David Kerekes / Fake Beatles ‘outtakes’ and the records they turn up on
  • THE 1970s BOOTLEG SCENE A young collector in the South of England and dealers in the North by Roger Sabin & David Kerekes / It was about being a fan
  • HERE COME SOME NORMALS The Beast Inside The Bonzo Dog Band by Martin Jones / The more disturbing songs of Vivian Stanshall
  • YOU’RE DRIVING ME INSANE Australian Garage Punk of the Sixties by Gerard Alexander / History and interviews on the Garage scene
  • EL DISCO ES CULTURA A Mexican Musical Overdose by Joe Scott Wilson / Obscure (and unlistenable) south-of-the-border vinyl
  • ALL BLACK AND HAIRY Screaming Lord Sutch the Savages by David Kerekes / The late great monster rocker Raving Loony
  • LAWRENCE OF EUPHORIA The Itinerant Life Music Of Skip Spence by Martin Jones / From Moby Grape to vagrancy — the rise and fall of the talented San Francisco musician
  • DISTURBO MUSIC Each contributor to this book recalls an odd piece of music that has had a particularly profound personal impact

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Critical Reaction

[su_quote cite=”60sgaragebands.com”]Touching much of the same ground as the beloved Ugly Things but with perhaps a broader spectrum, this volume includes several essays that will interest regular visitors to this site, including a really great article by editor Jones on the Monks[/su_quote]

[su_quote cite=”Mojo”]Not for the easily offended[/su_quote]

[su_quote cite=”Record Collector”]One for all the outsiders out there [/su_quote]

[su_quote cite=”Rock Sound”]The lovingly detailed potted histories of The Monks, The Sonics and Skip Spence make this worth dipping into at the very least[/su_quote]

[su_quote cite=”Metal Hammer”]Paranoid insane ramblings and nuggets of sense what rock writing should really be all about [/su_quote]

Martin Jones

MARTIN JONES is the editor of Bedabbled! British Horror and Cult Cinema. He is also the author of Psychedelic Decadence: Sex Drugs Low-art in Sixties and Seventies Britain (Headpress, 2001) and editor of Lovers Buggers & Thieves (Headpress, 2005).