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Spectrum Compendium

Archival documentation of the post-industrial underground Spectrum Magazine Archive 1998-2002

A rare insider’s view of the post-industrial music underground.

#1 Best Seller in Fanzines + Memorabilia


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Spectrum: Ambient/ Industrial/ Experimental Music Culture Magazine was one of the most well respected underground zines dealing with post-industrial music in the late 1990s to early 2000s, with a particular focus on the dark ambient, death industrial, heavy electronics, power electronics, neo-classical, martial industrial and neo-folk genres.

This book reproduces facsimile pages of all five issues of the rare, out of print issues of Spectrum Magazine, plus the unpublished issue No 6. It also includes much new material that puts the music scene and its culture into perspective.

[su_quote cite=”Tesco Organisation Germany”]I can only recommend Spectrum — one of the best print mags in this genre.[/su_quote]

[su_quote cite=”Henrik Nordvargr Bjorkk, MZ.412″]Amazing work, really cool to see these zines again.[/su_quote]

[su_quote cite=”Stephen Petrus, Murderous Vision / Live Bait Recording Foundation”]These issues are legendary and historically very significant! Thanks for making them available again.[/su_quote]

Featured interviews: Bad Sector / Black Lung / Brighter Death Now / Caul / Cold Spring / Crowd Control Activities / C17H19No3 / Death In June / Der Blutharsch / Desiderii Marginis / Deutsch Nepal / Dream Into Dust / Endvra / Folkstorm / Genocide Organ / Gruntsplatter / Hazard / House Of Low Culture / I-Burn / Ildfrost / Imminent Starvation / Inade / IRM / Iron Halo Device / Isomer / John Murphy / Kerovnian / Knifeladder / LAW / Malignant Records / Megaptera / Middle Pillar / Militia / MZ.412 / Navicon Torture Technologies / Nový Svĕt / Ordo Equilibrio / The Protagonist / Raison D’être / Sanctum / Schloss Tegal / Shining Vril / Shinjuku Thief / Skincage / Slaughter Productions / Spectre / StateArt / Stone Glass Steel / Stratvm Terror / Terra Sancta / Tertium Non Data / Toroidh / Tribe Of Circle / Warren Mead / Vox Barbara / Yen Pox

Richard Stevenson

RICHARD STEVENSON is the author of Spectrum Compendium, as well as an underground music writer and avid supporter of obscure and difficult forms of music, having been dedicated to the post-industrial underground since the late 1990s. He has published two zines: Spectrum: Ambient/Industrial/ Experimental Music Culture Magazine (five issues 1998-2001) and Noise Receptor Journal: sound with impact – analysing the abstract (five issues since 2013).