Art! Trash! Terror! Photo Gallery
A small sampling of the images and related content in CHRIS ALEXANDER’s book of cinema memoir, reviews and interviews, Art! Trash! Terror!
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A small sampling of the images and related content in CHRIS ALEXANDER’s book of cinema memoir, reviews and interviews, Art! Trash! Terror!
JENNIFER WALLIS reviews Alexander Kattke’s Flowers Blooming Fire and looks back on her own relationship with transgressive fiction.
The author revisits a used bookshop with a hole in its floor and is compelled by the music he finds to travel to Exeter.
Is The Godsend (1980) about an evil child or parental anxieties? JENNIFER WALLIS investigates.
A prelude to Jon Dear’s much anticipated Headpress book, No Diggin’ Here, on the history of the BBC’s Ghost Stories for Christmas.
Filmmaker Richard Baylor talks about the counterculture and distribution network of the 1990s, death row, Ipswich, and the ‘video nasties’.
RICHARD BAYLOR is a British underground filmmaker of the 1990s. DAVID KEREKES looks at a new collection of the films and the DIY era that shaped them.
Two CD box sets at different ends of the theological spectrum remind DAVID KEREKES of an important quest.
On this day in 1974 a US President resigned from office, but Nixon as Leatherface — a villainous, exiled figure — still haunts the country.
JENNIFER WALLIS explores sex dolls, sex robots, and the myth of self in the age of A.I.
JOHN SINCLAIR passed away recently, activist, poet, manager of MC5, and immortalised in a song by John Lennon. DAVID KEREKES remembers buying lunch together.
In anticipation of her book I Spit On Your Celluloid: The History of Women Directing Horror Movies, Heidi Honeycutt talks women and horror.
Power Snatched artwork by L Jamal Walton
Power Snatched artwork by L Jamal Walton