Headpress Books Established 1991


Author: David Kerekes

Pop & Unpop Culture. The best in independent publishing.

Main Image The Daemons

Doctor Who: The Dæmons

The Dæmons is a Doctor Who adventure in which devils come to life. Discussing the Nigel Kneale influence and its place in weird children’s TV of the 1970s.

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What is Biblio-Curiosa?

The do-it-yourself publishing aesthetic. A conversation with Chris Mikul about Biblio-Curiosa and the small world of fanzines.

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Featured Image The Town Slowly Empties

A Bird on the Branch of Tomorrow

Speaking from his New Delhi apartment, author Manash Firaq Bhattacharjee chats about his new book The Town Slowly Empties, and of life and art and the problem of getting a haircut during a pandemic. David Kerekes chats back.

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Doctor Who Spearhead from Space article logo

Doctor Who: Spearhead from Space

Showroom dummies are taking over the world! Once described as ‘highly coloured science fiction for older children’, David Kerekes takes a look at the nightmare that is Doctor Who, beginning with one of the most memorable shows.

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Power Snatched artwork by L Jamal Walton

Power Snatched artwork by L Jamal Walton


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