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Fight Your Own War

Power Electronics and Noise Culture

The first book devoted to power electronics, written by artists, fans, and critics.

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Bastard Noise desk at Tower Transmission V 2015
Photo: Martyn Flash

Power electronics is a genre of industrial or ‘noise’ music that utilises feedback and synthesizers to produce an intense, loud, challenging sound. To match this sonic excess, power electronics also relies heavily upon extreme thematic and visual content — whether in lyrics, album art, or live performance. The result is a violent, ecstatic, and potentially consciousness-altering spectacle, and a genre that often invites strong reactions from both listeners and critics.

Fight Your Own War is the first English-language book primarily devoted to power electronics. Written by artists, fans, and critics from around the world, its essays and reviews explore the current state of the genre, from early development through to live performance, listener experience, artist motivation, gender and subcultures such as ‘Japanoise’.

In considering this ‘spectacle’ of noise, how far can we simply label power electronics as a genre of shock tactics or of transgression for transgression’s sake?


Mikko Aspa, Tom Bench, Bindweed, Scott Candey, Nathan Clemence, Andrew Cooke, Mike Dando, Sonia Dietrich, d foist, Spencer Grady, Clive Henry, Grant Hobson, Kevin Matthew Jones, Paul Margree, Nick Nihilist, Jack Sargeant, Stephen Sennitt, Richard Stevenson, Duncan Taylor, Philip Taylor, Jennifer Wallis, Daniel Wilson, Ulex Xane

Audio download exclusive to the special edition hardback:

The special hardback edition of Fight Your Own War comes with eight exclusive tracks by contributing authors. The tracks come as MP3 and FLAC. Special edition customers will receive a download link on purchase. (Please allow 48 hours for the code.) Track listing:

1. Streicher – England Lives! And Marches On!
2. Gruntsplatter – Burned Over District
3. Maskirovka – Limping Towards the Moral High Ground
4. Now Wash Your Hands – Salmonella
5. Hardworking Families – Bongo Vacantia
6. WeaklingChild – Phlegethon
7. unwashed – ho$anna
8. Deathtripping – 23

Angel S.DIY Conspiracy
“Probably the most successful attempt for a sincere and explicit exploration of Power Electronics and some of the related genres such as harsh noise, harsh noise wall etc. ... The genre through the eyes of the fan, the label owner, the artist, the journalist, the academic writer, the outsider, the mocker… It does show the full picture.”
Christopher OwensThe Pensive Quill
“Futurists, pick up your instruments and destroy.”
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Andrew Cooke


Clive Henry

d foist

Daniel Wilson

Duncan Taylor

Grant Hobson

Jack Sargeant

Besides being author of numerous articles, essays, and books on underground film, true crime, fringe cultures, strange behaviour and human folly, JACK SARGEANT has lectured widely on various subjects ranging from avant-garde cinema to bestiality. In addition he curates film festivals and art shows. Jack currently divides his time between the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

Jennifer Wallis

JENNIFER WALLIS is a historian and lecturer based in the UK. Her recent publications include the edited volume Fight Your Own War: Power Electronics and Noise Culture (Headpress, 2016) and ‘Small screen shockers: Rape-revenge narratives in the made-for-TV movie’ in Julian Petley and Xavier Mendik (eds), Shocking Cinema of the 70s (Bloomsbury, 2021).

Kevin Matthew Jones

Mike Dando

Mikko Aspa

Nathan Clemence

Nick Nihilist

Paul Margree

Philip Taylor

Richard Stevenson

RICHARD STEVENSON is the author of Spectrum Compendium, as well as an underground music writer and avid supporter of obscure and difficult forms of music, having been dedicated to the post-industrial underground since the late 1990s. He has published two zines: Spectrum: Ambient/Industrial/ Experimental Music Culture Magazine (five issues 1998-2001) and Noise Receptor Journal: sound with impact – analysing the abstract (five issues since 2013).

Scott Candey

Sonia Dietrich

Spencer Grady

Stephen Sennitt

Best known as the creator and publisher of the (in)famous ‘occultzine’, NOX (1986-1992) the author’s first full-length book was Monstrous Cults (New World Images, 1992) a study of the devolution of mankind’s spiritual consciousness over vast epochs, with an introduction by the respected poet Peter Redgrove. Sennitt’s other forays into cultic territory include a pioneering work about The Process Church Of The Final Judgement and contributions to numerous magazines and anthologies, including Rapid Eye, EsoTerra, The Lamp Of Thoth, Chaos International, Dark Doctrines, Starfire, Formaos, Joel Biroco’s Kaos and Carl Abrahamsson’s The Fenris Wolf. From 1997 Sennitt became a regular contributor to David Kerekes’ Headpress magazine and is also the author of two Headpress books – Ghastly Terror! The Horrible Story Of The Horror Comics (1999) and a collection of his weird fiction Creatures Of Clay (2003). He is also a major contributor to Headpress’ The Complete Illustrated History Of The Skywald Horror-Mood (2005) and Fight Your Own War (2016). Other horror fiction and comics work appear in Creation Books’ Red Stains and The Starry Wisdom – A Tribute To H. P Lovecraft, John Gallagher’s Bedlam and Saga Of The Victims and Peter Normanton’s From The Tomb and The Mammoth Book Of Horror Comics. In 1997 Sennitt helmed a new occult imprint, Logos Press which released four titles. A compilation of some of the Logos material, The Infernal Texts: NOX & Liber Koth is published by Original Falcon, now in its third edition. Counter Productions referred to Sennitt as a ‘small-press legend’ and he has received numerous accolades from many voices in the underground scene, a testament to his contribution for thirty-five years to magick/occult studies and the wider culture of transgression.

Tom Bench

Ulex Xane

Fight Your Own War