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The Wild World of the Horror Film Fanzine

The first and final word on the story of the horror film fanzine — a literary Wild West — from its roots in the mimeographed sci-fi mags of the 1930s to today’s prozines and blogs.

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Xeroxferox is the first book to cover the horror film fanzine and the culture it spawned, a scene that influenced generations of writers, filmmakers and fans.

From Famous Monsters of Filmland to Fangoria and a lot of things in between, Xeroxferox is much more than a book about monster magazines. It examines the home-grown DIY fanzines that dared to dig deeper than the slick and shiny newsstand mags ever would… or indeed even could.

The titles were as lurid as the films that they covered. Gore Gazette. Deep Red. Sleazoid Express. Before message boards, before blogs, before the Internet itself, the fanzine reigned as the chief source of news and information for horror fans worldwide. Often printed on the cheap and sold for the price of postage, madcap and irreverent mags like Slimetime, Subhuman and Shock Xpress travelled the globe, creating a thriving network of fans and professionals alike.

This book traces the rise of the horror film fanzine, from the Famous Monster-starved kids of the 1960s to the splatter-crazed gorehounds that followed. Featuring in-depth interviews with over fifty writers, editors, and industry pros, Xeroxferox is the final word on an era that changed the world of fandom forever.

  • Features great interviews and anecdotes throughout.
  • Amazing images. The fanzines are a crash course in primitive cool.
  • Cover art by Stephen R Bissette (Swamp Thing, Taboo, etc).

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Bruce Holecheck

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David Kerekes

DAVID KEREKES co-founded Headpress and its imprint Oil On Water Press. He is author of Mezzogiorno (2012) and Sex Murder Art: The Films of Jörg Buttgereit (1994), co-author of Killing for Culture: An Illustrated History of Death Film from Mondo to Snuff (1994 & 2012) and See No Evil: Banned Films and Video Controversy (2001) and has written extensively on popular culture.

Jan Bruun

John Szpunar

JOHN SZPUNAR is the author of the Rondo Award nominated Xeroxferox: The Wild World of the Horror Film Fanzine (Headpress, 2013) and co-editor of Famous Monsters Chronicles II (FantaCo Enterprises, 2016). He is a regular contributor to Weng’s Chop, Monster, and Evilspeak Magazine.

Steve Bissette


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