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Gathering of the Tribe: Sex

Vol 4 — A Companion to Occult Music On Vinyl Vol 4. By Mark Goodall.

“Love is two minutes and fifty-two seconds of squelching noises” —Johnny Rotten, Rolling Stone


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“Love is two minutes and fifty-two seconds of squelching noises”
Johnny Rotten, Rolling Stone

The theory is that sex sells. And sex sells music.

The connections between music and sexuality are long-standing, ‘rock’n’roll’ itself being a slang term for sex, and there are many ways in which artists have explored sex and love through the medium of sound. Some of the records discussed in this book are experiments in expressing sexual desire through musical forms, mixing musical and sexual sounds. Others use sex purely as a marketing device or as ‘whimsical entertainment’ (sexualised images on LP covers, for example). Other records examine the politics of sexuality and/or offer a subversive take on the relationship between popular music and eroticism.

As an accessible form of entertainment, the LP was part of the ‘democratization’ of sexuality and erotica, something that was previously only available to the upper classes collecting erotic and pornographic materials on their many travels around the globe. Recorded music extended the reach of sexual content from literature, with books such as An ABZ of Love by Inge and Sten Hegeler (1963) or Alex Comfort’s The Joy of Sex (1972), into the audio-visual realm.

The ‘stirrings of the soul’, the animation of the spiritual and the emotional, is what ‘heavy conscious creation’ is about and the sexual aspect of this is significant and profound.

Canadian electroacoustic composer Robert Normandeau once claimed that ‘music, unlike other contemporary art forms, has hardly dealt with eroticism as a genre’. This book tries to fill in the gaps that this statement implies.

And the “two minutes and fifty-two seconds of squelching noises” that Johnny Rotten spoke about are here, sometimes literally, in musical form.

With contributions from David Kerekes and Jennifer Wallis.

  • Introduction
  • Bells Of Atlantis (Anaïs Nin)
  • Christine (Miss X)
  • The Bird In The Bush (Various)
  • De Sade (Billy Strange Orchestra)
  • Sex Power (Evangelos Papathanassiou)
  • Music For Sensuous Lovers (Z)
  • “2”/I, A Woman Ii (Sven Gyldmark)
  • The Devil In Miss Jones (Alden Shuman)
  • Sex Symbols (Tnt Boys)
  • Christina! (Christina Lindberg)
  • Frankly Fiona (Fiona Richmond)
  • Sex (Sex)
  • True Love Stories (Jilted John)
  • Journey Through A Body (Throbbing Gristle)
  • Penis Envy (Crass)
  • Danses Organiques (Luc Ferrari)
  • Songs About Fucking (Big Black)
  • The Golden Age Of Danish Pornography (Alex Puddu)
  • Sexfilms (Hilter)
  • Tapes Amateurs (Tapes Amateurs)
  • References, Artwork, Credits
  • A Word About This Collection

Subtitle: A Companion to Occult Music On Vinyl Vol 4
Editor: Mark Goodall
ISBN PBK: 978-1-915316-21-9
ISBN EBK: 978-1-915316-45-5
Street Date: Dec 4, 2025
Category: Music / Sex & Gender
Retail Price: UK £12.99 / US $17.95
Binding: Paperback
Size: 165mm x 165mm
Pages: 134
Illos: 70 full colour plates 

GATHERING OF THE TRIBE is an on-going series about the mysterious power of sound and tone, with each book devoted to reviewing records that reveal divine and cosmic laws, voyages to other worlds or use sound as a tool for transformation. While highly selective, the series offers a practical guide to the ultimate occult record collection.

Rare album sleeves complement each review.

View all titles in this series»

David HolzerUgly Things
“Mark [Goodall] is first and foremost interested in the music but, throughout his listening life, this has led him to discover other things, journey into other art forms. When I spoke to him, he told me that the albums in the series weren’t chosen because, like a dictatorial conventional music critic, he believes people must have them in their record collection. It’s more about, he says, 'looking for obscure things that have been forgotten and bringing them back to life.' He’s certainly done that with Vol 3: Ritual. Within the brief, the selection is eclectic to say the least and includes exotica, film scores and curios … An ear-opening experience.”
Dave ThompsonGoldmine
“Unearthing albums that even committed occult collectors might have missed, with the full page color illustrations only one of the visual highlights within. Don’t let it pass you by.”
Sarah Gregory
“This is a visually stunning piece of work — Gathering is both enlightening and fascinating.”
Bobby SealPsychogeographic Review
“This second volume, Landscape, takes as its premise the powerful effect that a particular landscape, be it urban or rural, can have on a creative mind [...] this is an absorbing work that is both passionate and erudite. I look forward to reading further volumes..”
Darren Charles
Musique Machine
“A fascinating look at occult psychedelia during its golden age. Mark Goodall makes for a knowledgeable guide on our trip through the acid-tinged madness of the late 60s. One or two of the albums on the list represent new material to me and I had great fun hunting them down, wholly based on Goodall’s words.”
Dave ThompsonGoldmine
“Notionally, you could say these releases are tied into the on-going folk horror boom that preoccupies so much of the British (and elsewhere) underground these days; to do so, however, would be to overlook the allure that albums of this nature have long held for vinyl hounds and crate diggers. […] this is not your average book of record art or writing […] fascinating studies of their chosen themes.”
Ben Graham
“Each book looks at a dozen or so LPs from the author's personal collection that fit a particular theme, with handsome sleeve reproductions and short essays on their origins, significance and respective artists..,. well worth checking out.”
Jonny TrunkRecord Collector
“A cult classic in the waiting” [on the original Gathering of the Tribe book]
Kier-La JanisseSpectacular Optical
“I loved this book. There were enough familiar topics to hook me in, but in addition to its consciousness-expanding and historical insights, it operated as a vital guide through some of the world’s most challenging sonic experiments. Exciting connections appeared throughout, which meant that while reading I was constantly inspired, making notes of obscure tangents to follow once the book reached its end.” [on the original Gathering of the Tribe book]
Austin MatthewsShindig!
“The key tenet of Goodall's proposition is that music can produce what he refers to as 'Heavy Conscious Creation' or a kind of 'altered state of perception'. This is not your average music tome and takes a far more philosophical bent than most… [Gathering of the Tribe] may indeed unlock some of the secrets within your record collection that hitherto you were unaware existed.” [on the original Gathering of the Tribe book]
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David Kerekes

DAVID KEREKES co-founded Headpress and its imprint Oil On Water Press. He is author of Mezzogiorno (2012) and Sex Murder Art: The Films of Jörg Buttgereit (1994), co-author of Killing for Culture: An Illustrated History of Death Film from Mondo to Snuff (1994 & 2012) and See No Evil: Banned Films and Video Controversy (2001) and has written extensively on popular culture.

Jennifer Wallis

JENNIFER WALLIS is a historian and lecturer based in the UK. Her recent publications include the edited volume Fight Your Own War: Power Electronics and Noise Culture (Headpress, 2016) and ‘Small screen shockers: Rape-revenge narratives in the made-for-TV movie’ in Julian Petley and Xavier Mendik (eds), Shocking Cinema of the 70s (Bloomsbury, 2021).

Mark Goodall

MARK GOODALL is an academic who teaches and writes about film and music. He is also a musician and composer, filmmaker and has worked as a journalist, bookseller, community artist, printer and cheesemonger.

Gathering of the Tribe: Sex